

Meditation is a tremendous value.

This is the opportunity to create an agreement that fits your life.

If you go to court for a decision, you will end up with some version of what they always do. Will good enough work for you? Probably not.

Don’t settle for someone else’s version of your life.

Mediation with Intrepid Dispute Resolution is different.

I have mediated many parenting plans in Dependency Court (Children’s Court). The attorneys usually believe that there is no way parents can make an agreement.

And these are good attorneys. Their viewpoint is 100% reasonable, after you consider their training. Law school has taught them to find the fight and then ask the judge for a decision.

You don’t need to persuade me. I’m not your judge. I don’t make an evaluation.

My goal is help both of you create “your” agreement. The agreement that allows both of you walk to away happy.

I have been fortunate to train with Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation.

They are pioneers in the instruction of interested based negotiating. This is the idea behind the win/win solution.

Everyone can have what they need.

That solution is closer than you might think. And I am not suggesting that you split the difference.

Rather, this is about why you want what you want and then discovering all of the options that will satisfy that need.

I’ll help both of you frame and consider your issues so both of you have an opportunity to get more of what you need and want.

This is about the future. The past is gone. Where do you want to be tomorrow?

It’s not easy, but it is possible. And it takes a little courage.

Online Mediation

My rates are extremely reasonable.

When I moved my mediation practice online I was able to cut the 40% of my fee that went to office space.

My online mediation hourly rate is:

$150.00 per hour of online mediation with a 1 hour minimum and $40.00 for each subsequent fifteen minutes.

After COVID, when we are able to to meet in person.

If choose in person meditation my hourly rates will be.

$225.00 for in person mediation, with a 3 hour minimum and $225.00 at the start of each new hour.

Divorce Papers

If you need divorce paperwork I can prepare Judicial Council forms for an additional charge. If you need a QDRO, to divide a pension or a 401(k), I can give you a referral.